Petri Pest Control Blog
Serving Broward County and Palm Beach County

What Do Mosquitoes Eat? These And Your Other Mosquito Questions Answered
We all know what mosquitoes are, but most of us don’t know much more about them other than they bite and are a nuisance and hinder our outdoor activities during the hot Florida summers. Let’s take a look at what else there is to know about mosquitoes. Mosquitoes Love the Sunshine State

What’s Eating My Florida Lawn? Look Out For These Top 5 Pests
In South Florida, lush green lawns with a colorful composition of tropical ornamental landscaping are the stuff of picture postcards and the envy of everyone. A healthy lawn not only increases your property’s value but also reduces soil erosion, filters stormwater runoff, helps cool down the air and helps reduce glare and
Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch More At Night
For some people, mosquito bites itch more at night than during the day, for several reasons. These reasons include: Fewer distractions As people wind down from their days and try to go to sleep, they may be more aware of their skin itching, because fewer things are going on that distract them
What Months Are Mosquitoes Most Active In Florida
Florida’s tropical climate with year-round moderate to warm temperatures and plenty of humidity, mosquitoes can be active in Florida every month of the year. However, like in other regions of the US, mosquitoes are most active in the summer months from June through August. With temperatures rising, parts of the southeast and
What Are The Biggest Bugs Found In Florida
Sometimes bugs seem scary because of their size. Here are some of South Florida’s giants: Giant Water Bug Lethocerus griseus, more commonly known as the giant water bug grows to a length of about 2 inches and is found throughout the United States, including Florida. The giant water bug often called a
Why Are Bugs So Gross
Bugs can seem gross to some people because of the way they look and their behavior. The creepy crawly factor that people associate with encountering a massive number of bugs has provided the gross element that horror films promote to make people squirm, sending insects skittering through our subconscious. Associated with Halloween
What Time Of Year Are Bugs Most Active
Most bugs are more active in the warmer months of the year. When the temperatures are below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, insects really are not able to move. At 45 degrees, they start to move slowly. Insects don’t become fully functional until temperatures reach 70 degrees. This means in most of the country,
What Time Of Year Is Best For Termite Treatment
The best time of year to treat your home or business for termites is winter because termite activity is pretty predictable during the winter. However, that does not mean you should wait until winter if you discover an infestation in another season. The sooner you treat your termite infestation, the better. In
Are Bugs Scared Of Humans
Scientists are still trying to determine if bugs sense fear, pain, and other emotions. For most bugs, threats from overhead predators signal a negative response to hide or flee to another location. A 2015 California Institute of Technology study published in Science Daily found that fruit flies responded to a simulated overhead
How Long Does It Take For Drywood Termites To Cause Damage
As drywood termites live in the wood they infest and can go unnoticed for a long time, pest professionals cannot usually determine when drywood termite infestations actually started. With smaller colonies, rather than the invasive and more aggressive Formosan and Asian subterranean termites, drywood termite damage is more difficult to detect. Drywood