Petri Pest Control Blog

Serving Broward County and Palm Beach County

10 facts about rats you never knew - Pest control services in South Florida by Petri Pest Control

10 Facts About Rats You Never Knew

It may seem like rats are causing more turmoil than ever in urban settings, such as Atlanta, New York, and Miami. Other cities, such as Chicago, however, took control of their problem in an aggressive systematic attack on rats and Canada’s Alberta province boasts the largest inhabited area known to be completely

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Creepy facts about spiders you won't believe - Pest control services in South Florida by Petri Pest Control

Creepy Facts About Spiders You Won’t Believe

While spiders, generally speaking, are pretty interesting with their abilities to spin webs, creating their own homes as well as a lair for their unsuspecting prey, humans, on the whole, perceive these eight-legged animals as creepy and something to fear. Sure, if a tarantula appears in your kitchen, just as you are

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Have a bee issue? Here's what we can do - Pest control services in South Florida by Petri Pest Control

Have A Bee Issue? Here’s What We Can Do

While honey bees are essential to the global food supply as they pollinate crops, honey bees are also solely responsible for the production of honey and beeswax. Both products are commodities in many cultures – honey due to its delicious flavor and health benefits and beeswax for its many uses in skin

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How to get rid of tiny black bugs - Pest control services in South Florida by Petri Pest Control

How To Get Rid Of Tiny Black Bugs

In South Florida, bugs are never in short supply and the occasional pest that ventures into your home from outdoors should be no cause for alarm. Tiny black bugs in your kitchen are often brought into your home in cardboard boxes or paper bags, along with your groceries. One or two bugs in

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How pests get i your home - a guide by Petri Pest Control in South Florida

How Pests Get In Your Home – A Guide

South Florida’s warm and sunny climate draws throngs of visitors annually to escape the harsh, bleak winters in the Northeast and Midwest. The sunshine state’s tropical climate and pristine beaches also attract household pests. Living in paradise comes with its downsides; insects and rodents trying to come into your home can be

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10 most common summer pests in Florida - Pest control services in South Florida by Petri Pest Control

10 Most Common Summer Pests In Florida

Well, it’s summer, the time of year we all enjoy taking vacations, visiting family, getting together for cookouts, pool parties, and picnics – especially this year. In South Florida, that also means household, garden, and yard pests are in their element, thriving in the Sunshine State’s signature heat and humidity. While some

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May's most wanted Florida pest: mosquitoes - Pest control services in South Florida by Petri Pest Control

May’s Most Wanted Florida Pest – Mosquitoes

In South Florida, you can’t really say May is the beginning of mosquito season because South Florida’s tropical temperatures and ample rainfall allow these pesky, blood-sucking disease-carrying vectors to exist year-round. Mosquitoes are simply more prevalent in the summer, as the rainy season usually runs from June through August. Over the past few years, if

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Should I be worried about termites? yes - Pest control services in South Florida by Petri Pest Control

Should I Be Worried About Termites? Yes, Here’s Why

In nature, termites’ role in our ecosystem serves several purposes. These involve breaking down fallen trees in forests, nourishing the soil, and clearing excess wood from forest floors where there is an overabundance of dead trees. Termite mounds are also useful in diverse environments in Africa, Australia, and South America allowing cheetahs

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