What Insecticide Kills Whitefly

Broad-spectrum insecticides that kill whiteflies are not recommended for use on your whitefly-infected plants because these insecticides also kill natural whitefly predators, such as ladybugs or lady beetles, parasitic wasps, and spiders. Alternatives to broad-spectrum insecticides include: Imidacloprid, a low toxicity product designed to affect insect neurotransmitters, has been proven effective in treating whiteflies. Mixed […]

Why Do Termites Suddenly Appear

Although it might seem like it, termites don’t suddenly appear. They live in structures or outside under the ground near structures they’re infesting and can go unnoticed for quite some time. Drywood termites live in the wood they infest and subterranean termites live in nests in the ground outside the structures they infest, transporting the wood in structures back […]

How Long Do Beehives Last

Beehives last a lot longer than the individual bees in the hive. In beehives, each bee is assigned a specific role. Beehives consist of a majority of worker bees. In a large colony, around 50,000 to 60,000 members are worker bees, the rest are drones, except for the queen. Several conditions determine how long bees […]

What Causes A Whitefly Infestation

Whiteflies are a common pest that affects garden, agricultural, and greenhouse plants in South Florida. Small, winged insects, resembling moths, whiteflies are covered with a waxy white powder, and despite their name, they are neither moths or flies. Whiteflies belong to the order of insects known as “true bugs,” and are most closely related to […]

How Long Do Bees Stay After The Hive Is Removed

When beehives are removed, not all of the bees are present, as some may be flying around in the air outside the hive. Some worker bees might be a short distance away from the hive, pollinating plants. These leftover bees are called straggler bees. When these straggler bees return to the nest, they try to find […]

Do Rats Come Out During The Day

Rats are mostly nocturnal but will come out during the day for various reasons. Night clubs and other places that are very busy at night, for instance, see more rat problems in the daytime than at night. With so many humans and noise going on at night in clubs, rats don’t feel comfortable coming out […]

What Are The Tiny Black Bugs In My Kitchen

Tiny black bugs in your kitchen could be any number of pests that frequent South Florida homes. Ants Ants, especially in warmer months, can be seen trailing in lines, while foraging for food. Sporting six legs and elbow-shaped segmented antennae, ants appear: Typically black, brown, or red Usually between 1/4” and 1/2” in size With a small “waist” and […]

What Are Rats Afraid Of

Well, we know humans are often afraid of rats but the reverse is also true. Rats are afraid of human activity, mostly because humans are so much larger than they are. Rats also fear predators such as hawks, eagles, and other birds of prey. Other animals that rats are afraid of include your cat as […]

What Are The Common Lawn Pests In Florida

While healthy Florida lawns are some of the most beautiful anywhere, they are also extremely prone to attack by lawn pests. The most common lawn pests include: Chinch Bugs Tiny, at about ⅛ to ¼ inches in length and difficult to see, chinch bugs have distinct black, white and red spotted coloring, hard bodies, and […]

When Should I Fertilize My Lawn In Florida

Understanding when to fertilize a lawn is critical to the proper growth of any lawn. In South Florida, you can fertilize your lawn throughout the year, as moderate temperatures allow your grass to continue to grow all year. In North and Central Florida, during growing seasons is the best time to fertilize your lawn – […]